Hey Rock,
I am really a fan of the Navionics
+ chip and one of my favorite features is the SonarCharts cartography. The detail is simply amazing!
Here is a screenshot of Possession Bar on a regular Navionics chart
- image2 (Small).PNG (134.88 KiB) Viewed 7606 times
...and here is the same shot with SonarCharts activated!
- image1 (Small).PNG (318.38 KiB) Viewed 7606 times
I've put a PowerPoint together with some very interesting and descriptive charting info and I'm presenting it in a webinar that you can access at home on Tuesday 7/14 at 6:00pm
Here's a link to register and I hope you can join us!
- NAV498_Webinar_TomNelson_v3 (Small).jpg (68.76 KiB) Viewed 7606 times