Fished Saturday and Sunday...went 6 for 10 on Saturday with limits by 11:30am, and went 5 for 8 this morning
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. We headed in this morning early to make it home by kick off.[attachment=1]
This made all the difference this weekend...too bad for the loss.
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We call this the God Bless America set up!
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If you are ever having issues with home financing or know of anyone having troubles with their home loan, please send them my way for an honest and transparent opinion. Jeff Nance NMLS# 405731
Where were you guys fishing? My boat has limited the past couple weekends up north by possession and edmonds but we haven't had anything big yet... what about you guys?
Nothing over 8lbs yet. We were on the West side of the bar trolling from dot to dot.
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If you are ever having issues with home financing or know of anyone having troubles with their home loan, please send them my way for an honest and transparent opinion. Jeff Nance NMLS# 405731