Fished on Friday 7/25 trolling Jeff Head and Kingston. Bait was everywhere and lots of fished marked. Action on the downrigger was very slow and witnessed very little net action from other boats. Tried to pound the deck where there were lots of fishing being marked and used the Cannon depth cycling feature, but could not keep the sanddabs off of the Coho Killers even 20 feet off the bottom. Managed to pull a couple of shakers, but no keepers.
Changed the game plan on Saturday morning (7/26) and took my buddy’s center console to mooch Kingston and Point No Point. Mooching proven to be the better technique as we landed two kings in each location and even our first coho of the season. It was very crowded in each location. Kingston fishing was especially chaotic and we almost lost one of our kings and rear-ended by another boat as we were backing down and playing the fish. Again, downrigger fishing seemed to be less productive as there was very little net action from those boats.
The kings and coho were stuffed full of green label sized herring. Dropped the GroPro down for a short video of just one herring bait ball.