Hey boys.
I have a consumer question which requires your expertise. I' currently in the market for a new baitcasting reel. I have been doing a little bit of researching and have agreed with myself on the Lexa series of reels. However, I need some help with what size to get.
I am predominantly a Puget Sound guy, but I do make the trek to the Sky from time to time. I would mainly be using these reels for bank fishing for both salmon and steelhead, so I would like a reel which can handle both operations. I know the Lexa 300 seems to be the best bet, but I have multiple "larger capacity" Abu Garcia Ambassadeur reels which I frequently use. My question about this is, how's the casting with the Lexa 300 compared to something like an Ambassadeur reel?
My main concerns with the Abassadeur's are; one, backlashing when trying to cast lighter weight (anything less than about 1/4 oz) and two, casting distance. I sometimes have both of these issues, especially when casting light lures. It's really not an issue when I am float fishing, but when I am trying to cast #3 and #4 spinners, or 1/4 or 1/2 oz jigs for twitching, I run into a little bit of a headache. Either I can't get the lure where I want it, or I get bird's nested.
SO, now that I have strayed from my original question, I shall return to the regularly scheduled program. What would you gentlemen recommend for Pac. NW salmon AND steelhead? Get another large capacity reel like the Lexa 300 or step down in size to a Lexa 100 which seems to be what the bass boys use to cast smaller lures. I also don't want to handcuff myself and get something I will only use to throw hardware. I want something I can use for all the river techniques I employ (mainly; float fishing, spinner casting and jig twitching). The other kicker is Daiwa is currently offering (through June 2014 mind you) a $25 gift card when you purchase a Lexa 100 (which really sweetens the deal by making the hit on the pocket book more bearable).
Thanks for your help boys! I really appreciate it!