Action Alert! Please help save WDFW Commissioners!!!

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Action Alert! Please help save WDFW Commissioners!!!

Postby Fishnut » Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:54 am

We need your help! Please support the WDFW commissioners reappointment. Chair Miranda Wecker, Vice Chair Gary Douvia, and Chuck Perry’s terms have expired and need your help in being reappointed. They have been key in helping us to change our crab policy, shrimp policy, the Columbia River Gillnet ban, as well as working on hatchery reform and much more. These are unpaid commissioners that have our resources and social equity at heart. These leads are the only commissioners that have listened to us in changing our fisheries for the better. They have helped in gaining us expanded access to our resources. This is a first in Washington State in over 100 years! They do not have a paid interest to misguide our resources. These champion commissioners have changed the way our resources have been managed for the better. They have redirected a large portion of them back to the people of Washington state that own them and pay for them in taxes and license fees.

It is important that we insist that they are reinstated to continue down the path of conservation, socio equity, and economics, while making sure the best available science is used to manage them. This current commission has vast knowledge in managing our resources and does not take the easy road of decision making. They have had to make the tough, uncomfortable choices that are required. This is a key component in proper decision making. Please tell Governor Inslee we want the three commissioners reappointed so they may continue doing great accomplishments.

The commercials are pushing to replace these three with commercial intersts on the commission. We have already been there and are not willing to go back as in the past. It is time to let the Governor know we need these commissioners reappointed!

Please act now and save those that worked for hard for us ... &SiteID=-1
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Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:27 pm

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