After catching relatively easy limits of Chinook 14-18lbs. As the seas were flat, with little wind, we made the run offshore to look for a Coho or two to fill out our limits, while the crab pots soaked a little longer. Caught another Chinook we had to turn back, but saw nary a sign of a Silver. Flat out nothing on the Screens.
Only gave that a little more than an hour, before we decided to go gather our crab, (which we filled 3 limits with 3 pots ), and decided to use up our leftover herring to see if there was a Linger or two around the submerged jetty. Well there was, got a couple just over the slot, and a couple shorts, and then.........this guy buried my rod in 40ft. of water, took off dragging us up and over the submerged jetty, and half way across the bar.
Finally set the drag tight, and drug it in after a pretty good areial jump for a shark showed us what it was.