I’ve almost talked myself into thinking I need to buy a new F/F GPS combo, the old Garmin still works OK, but it started losing a few lines of pixels, it’s not color and no GPS.
I don’t fish the salt much anymore and it will be used in my sled 99% of the time, I do fish the Columbia and several lakes including Baker for Sockeye though.
It looks like I’ve narrowed it down a Lowrance, they just seem to have the best options for the money, and while it would be nice to get an HDS unit I just can’t justify the cost for what I do. It looks like the 4s and 5s would fit the bill, the 4 has a pretty good mapping standard and you can get the upgraded model with a gold chip for about $65 more, you need to chose between DSI and standard because they don’t have both on the same unit, the screen is small too. The loaded 4 is about $360.00. The 5 is nice, with both DSI and standard images, but you bump up a couple hundred more $$$ for the larger screen and more options.
What started this was my wanting to get GPS on the boat, the old Garmin worked well enough, but the cheapest route to get GPS is to buy a new combo unit. As with most things you can keep bumping up the price a hundred or so and get a better unit with more options, but I quickly get to where it’s not worth it for what I do. So it will be lower cost unit or nothing.
One problem is that in the dozen stores I’ve been in looking at units and asking questions, I haven’t found anyone that can answer many questions, and when the questions get specific I just get a blank stare. On all the GPS units I’ve used before there is always a line on the screen that shows where you’ve been so you can retrace it, one guy said you need to step up to the higher end units to get this feature, and that the 4s and 5s don’t do it. There is no way to check this in the store, so does anyone know if this is true? Plus any other advise would be great.