by Smalma » Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:50 am
Cobble Crusier-
In this era of ESA listed steelhead the triggers for CnR fisheries has changed significantly.
The Skykomish CnR season was closed because the return runs were consistently below the escapement goal. It was the intent the managers to re-established those seasons if the run sizes rebounded to those levels seen prior to the closures. However as you know that has not yet happen.
Until now the Skagit/Sauk was under the same constraints. However that has changed. NMFS has established overall allowable wild steelhead fishing impacts for the entire PS ESU which I believe is a total 4% for all fisheries. With that guideline we will be seeing winter steelhead that are pretty much like those we have this season (could be even more conservative - for example closing more tributaries) for the foreseeable future. That would mean that even if this seasons wild steelhead escapement on the Skagit system was 10,000 and a similar run was expected next year we would still have season like this year - no spring CnR.
I do understand that the State (co-manager?) and the Feds hope to develop some river specific allowable impacts that may allow some variation from that 4% allowable impacts. When those plans are to be developed or what they might allow is largely unknown.
Tight lines