Not in my backyard...?

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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby Todd Busby Cut Plug » Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:19 pm

Concerned San Juan Fisherman:

Your letter was written well and thanks for your opinion. I think you are missing the point for the single biggest reason that it is important for these guys to share their knowledge and success. If we sports fishermen do not have an active voice, we will be left with nothing. We will have a great resource that is closed to the recreational fisherman by the extreme environmentalists. I am a steward of the land and the sea but I am a hunter and a fisherman. My voice alone, or desire to fish doesn't permit me to fish. It takes legislation, rules, compromises with the tribes, commercial guys, power generators, timber guys, fish farmers, miners and farmers to come together to share the water. Oh, by the way, I own a dandy wheat farm too! Yet, I am still a fisherman and I understand their is a balance between water availability and water necessity. Without seriously passionate fisherman like Nelly, Robbo and many of us that enjoy the Outdoor Line, we absolutely would not have a voice nor a season or an opportunity to fish. The Outdoor Line encourages people to fish, hunt and recreate. A huge bycatch of succesful fishermen....They support the guys and gals in Olympia that fight to maintain a recreational season. We need new, fresh blood that is passionate to fight and protect our sacred seasons that include our "Honey Holes that may get fished too hard on a Saturday morning in August. So, please, Nelly and Robbo and crew, continue to inspire our elders and our youth of today, including my 11 year old bait boy that has only one focus in and hunting. It is the inspired that will protect our ability to fish. Unfortunately, we are not born with the right to fish and hunt. It takes legislation and compromise. Youth of today - Get inspired, learn how to fish and fall in love with it. Down the road, fight for the right to fish so I can hit my favorite "Honey Hole" on a Wednesday morning when most of the fleet is at work.
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby jerk&reel » Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:50 pm

I think some of you guys take your “secret” fishing spots a bit too far. The guys on the radio are having a good time promoting the sport of fishing. If the number of fisherman increases in Washington State, than the sport has more pull in Olympia. Who cares if Nelly or Tobeck give out “top secret fishing info”? If all you can do is listen to the show and then whine about foreigners showing up and out fishing you, I guess it is time for you to move to Alaska to a remote island. I have lived in the Seattle area all my life. Of course over time areas get crowded. Learn to live with it and relax. Fishing is suppose to relieve stress not create it. <”)))><
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby honeybadger » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:02 am

Let me rephrase. I have been fishing the salt for 27 years but bought my first boat 10 years ago. 10 years in my own boat is far from newbie status.
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby Nelly » Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:24 am

honeybadger wrote:I agree 100% with the author of the is written in a way that shouldn't offend. Why you guys doing the show can't just leave some places alone is beyond me. I hate crowds..... Telling someone to use this... flasher, this leader length, and this spoon and fish at this depth at this speed makes me sick.... so now we have a group of newbies who shouldn't be there in the first place and wouldn't be if you didn't tell them it was easy.

First and foremost, I'm not offended and would never take offense with honest criticism of our show and site.
The seat next to Tobeck and Endsley in the studio is not for the thin skinned (Insert fat joke here.. :lol: )

Without question, every single, solitary fishing hole, crabbing location and hunting spot we discuss is someone's favorite. If we "leave some places alone" because they were someone's favorite,... well, I hope you can see that there would be nothing left to talk about.

We at The Outdoor Line are in the business of teaching and promoting fishing, hunting and other outdoor recreation. The discussion of technique, including specific gear recommendations are an important, fundamental element of showing someone the right and productive way.

Who are we to judge and proclaim that new anglers in a fishery amount to "a group of newbies who shouldn't be there in the first place"... I hate to break this to you but, we are not the first generation to fish these waters and therefore are all "newbies" who are merely standing upon the shoulders of our fishing forefathers.

The family dynamic in this nation has changed drastically since I learned to fish from my father and other fishing mentors. The day of the grandfather taking his grandson's hand and walking down to the neighborhood creek is rapidly vanishing.

By promoting the outdoor sports on air and on this site, we are hoping to keep our outdoor traditions a vital and valuable part of life in the Pacific Northwest.

Fish on Brothers!
The Outdoor Line on 710 ESPN Seattle 6-9am Every Saturday!
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby Dan Carney » Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:00 am

I think one thing was overlooked in this discussion. The original author of the letter didn't seam to have a problem with the fishing reports until "It was in his own back yard!" There have been many discussions on sensitive fisheries on this board. They have covered the breadth and range of conservation to selective harvest. Where was this authors concern when we were talking about the Green River/Elliott Bay salmon recovery? Or Lake Washington… Also, he didn’t state whether he was concerned about the salmon, the whales, or both!
Just because someone listens to or reads the advice from this forum doesn't mean they are going to rush out to that location and fish it out. Realistically, advice on this board covers Costa Rica to Alaska and even Florida. I live in the north end, but will not run my boat clear out to the west side of San Juan (too far for me and plenty of good fishing closer).
Please keep up the good work promoting our sport; and covering importing legislative and fisheries management issues.
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby Ray G » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:25 am

This thread has renewed a long time discussion about “secret holes” that somehow are not secrets anymore. This is nothing new; the vehicle of information has changed. Back in the day it was word of mouth and an occasional article in the Fishing & Hunting News that let the word out. Today the information travels via internet and radio.

The westside of the San Juans has been a revered salmon ground for years. There are many reasons for more angler pressure in this area. Today, many guys are purchasing boats that are capable of getting there and poor management of other local fisheries have forced people to look for new spots that are more productive. I personally don’t want to drive 2 hours in a car and an hour in a boat to have a good shot at catching fish. That said, I will absolutely make the drive for good fishing. That is what makes me a dedicated fisherman; I am willing to go the extra mile for a hot bite.

The information passed on the ODL is no different then calling a local tackle store or talking to a buddy about where he has found some fish.

By having new knowledge and success as fishermen we pump millions of dollars into local economies and help small businesses survive. Better fishing success also helps generate a new, educated, passionate angler. Passionate anglers are what is going to get us out of this mess we are in. By having more passionate anglers we will have a stronger voice and a larger impact on future management of our resource.

It is easy to play armchair quarterback and blame crowed waters on a radio show or the internet when the fact is the state has deemed the fishery viable and allowed a sport catch. Eagle Point is no different then Buoy 10 or Possession, if there are fish there fishermen will come.

The hosts of the ODL are our one of the resources greatest voices. These guys promote better management and personally spend countless hours fighting for our rights as fishermen.

The fact that somebody is irritated about there being too many boats in his home water is annoying. If nobody knew about where good fishing was there would be nobody to protect it. Without some kind of awareness the resource would be undermanaged, over commercial fished and the resource would eventually go away. The MA 9 – 10 fishery is a great example. Fishing was forever good in this area and everybody had a stake in it. When it disappeared the same fishermen that fished it fought for its return. Today we enjoy the MA 9-10 fishery because educated, passionate fishermen cared.

Hopefully a new generation of fishermen now cares about the West side of the San Juans and care enough to fight for it to remain a viable sport fishery.

Thank you Rob, Tom & Robbo for sticking up for the fish and helping create new anglers that will eventually stand up for the resource.
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby Dash One » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:52 am

Quote: "I know many that have offered information to you guys only to have it exploited on the air."

From my personal experience: Nothing I have ever told Robbo, Nelly or Rob, in confidence, has been repeated on-air. I have at times, given reports on the show and relayed non-classified info for general consumption. It is a fine line between giving up too much information, and sharing the same, in an effort to steer fellow anglers in the right direction so that we can all enjoy other's success. As far as the reports given on-air ... it wouldn't be much of a show without some when, where, and technique.

More and more, I find myself tight-lipped about a current hot bite. I spend a lot of time and $$ in pursuit of that bite. It is disheartening to me to get on fish, only to arrive at that spot a few days later and see 30 or 40 boats in that small area ... at times, the result of and internet report. I feel I have "earned it" so to speak, and believe others should as well ... and think part of the challenge and joy of salmon fishing is finding fish and the figuring out the right presentation. To put out too much detail deprives/denies others who are not willing to put in the time and effort to make their own report ... as some expect too much in the way of immediate success.

Keep up the good work ... but don't tell anyone I told you that!

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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby Trouthead » Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:01 am

Interesting post. I've been fishing here way over 27 years and I remember when I first heard this concern. For me, it was when Hunting and Fishing News started posting maps of fishing and hunting areas. Guys, people have been publishing this information in one form or another since communication began. :lol: I can 't blame it on you guys but could everyone leave the Puyallup so I can have it like it was in the 60's?

I love your show. How about getting on FM too so I can listen on my MP3 while standing in the river?
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby honeybadger » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:32 pm

When one has something to say about an issue I think it's important to fully comprehend what they are trying to say. I don't think the author was wanting his letter or concerns put up for public knowledge but instead he thought enough of your radio show and of you as a host to voice concern about 1 area. He isn't calling you guys out for all the other information you give or anything of the sort. Tom I talk to you every year between the roche and the anacortes derby and you guys are very friendly and it's cool that you guys take the time to spend a saturday morning talking fishing with eachother and share your passions of fishing with others but on the other hand he mentioned one area. I liked the letter mainly because its almost inevitable that the west side of san juan island will be closed in the near future. What you are missing here is the fact that the first thing the noaa people said at the meetings is the amount of boats at that area. In my opinion broadcasting an area isn't going to catch everybody fish nor will it anialate the salmon population but it will impact a fishery such as the west side in a manner nobody will have the chance to show their generations to come that fishery. Overcrowding is going to happen whether or not you guys are on the air but the concerned listener who took time to write a letter most likely didn't plan on you guys making a mockery of him on the www. Your show will no longer air in my boat and I will make it a point to avoid a simple hello at the derbies.
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby Omega3 » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:24 pm

I agree 100% with the author of the letter. The details given by Larry Carpener was way to detailed. I dont think tht any of you realize what happens when you air info such as that. I fish to cach fish and avoid crowds. The crowds on he W. side of San Juan are absoultely insane, far more than I have ever seen. I have a mooring buouy and keep my boat on the W side near Eagle Pt. I have never in my 35 years of fishing have seen so much pressure, then came Larry's report "that if you ever want a trophy fish to hang on the wall, this is how you do it". I fished Pile Pt. on Sat. and there were only 3 boats on Sunday there were 27 and it was virtually un-fishable. Tom I really don't think you understand the power of your reports on the radio and how it effects the fishing pressure.

Tom, many of us long time fisherman share this frustration (many who have known you for a long, long time). In April I shared with you a report about Fraser River springers and a hot bite at Salmon Bank. I asked you not to share and you acknowleged. The next day you shared the info on the radio, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. That Sunday Salmon Bank had triple the number of boas on it. Coincidence? I don't think so. Remember last year before the area 9 opener when you made a comment that the only place to be on the opener was Midchannel Bank? Look at the results. I can't tell you how many locals were talking abou that and how many were really upset.

There are more and more novice fisherman on the water than ever with new boats (thought we were in a recession?). I really don't care to spend my valuable time fishing in a combat situation next to novices who tangle gear, cut off people, long line 200 yards with a 4 ounce weight. The difference between all of you who run the show and us fisherman is that you are all about ratings and we are just trying to have a good time which is impossible when you have the insane crowds after a report on your show. There was a news report on Friday that a orca had been struck and injured by a sport fishing boat off the W. side of San Juan. It later turned out that it was not accurate, but what if that was true and what if it was one of these novices running around in a ski boat long lining for humpies? Do you think NOAA would take that lightly? NO!!!!

Tom, you lost my trust in you when I asked you not to talk about my report. You aired it on the radio and as a result there was huge crowds the next day. I get what the author is talking about and while you put out a lot of info for newbies the vetran fisherman including some close to you are frusrated. Maybe I and the author are the only ones to speak out about it. It will never stop, you guys have a show to do and with the "internet groupies" following reports it will only get worse.
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