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Rob Endsley takes some time after the Outdoor Line radio show to discuss what Kwikfish, flies, and jigs to use for catching chum salmon on the rivers of Western Washington.
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Tom Nelson from the Outdoor Line radio show on 710 ESPN Seattle demonstrates how to properly cut a herring fillet strip to be used with an Ace Hi Fly or hoochie when trolling for salmon. Go to www.the… ...
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Rob Endsley describes the float fishing rig he was talking about for catching king salmon during the Outdoor Line radio show on 710 ESPN Seattle on October 8th
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Rob Endsley takes some time after the Outdoor Line radio show on 710 ESPN Seattle to talk about what it takes to get a mature Washington blacktail deer.
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The Truck Vault is the most useful truck accessory I've ever owned. Here's a quick video detailing what the Truck Vault is and how it works to keep your hunting and fishing gear safe and sound while y… ...
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Tom Nelson from the Outdoor Line radio show on 710 ESPN Seattle demonstrates how to rig a cheater spoon for catching salmon while trolling with downriggers.