After a tough outing last week, I couldn't wait to get out this morning and even the score with those pesky coho!
Fortunately, the silvers were in a biting mood and we had a boat limit on board by 0900!
Robbie Tobeck joined me for this trip to the Marine Area 8/9 border known as the Shipwreck.
As we pulled the gear in after boating our limit, Tobeck looked at the Simrad and said "Nelly!! Look at them now!" Sure enough, the coho were just thick underneath the boat!
Gear of the day? The Luhr Jensen Herring Dodger....
Thirty-six (36") inches ahead of the Ace-Hi fly with a little red-beaded "love"
Looks like this weekend's Edmonds Coho Derby could be one for the books!