Neah Bay and Lapush halibut to go to one day a week?

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Neah Bay and Lapush halibut to go to one day a week?

Postby Fishnut » Fri Sep 27, 2013 5:31 am

Some recreationals asked WDFW to change the North Coast halibut (Lapush and Neah Bay) Catch Sharing Plan to one day a week after the first week opener. The first week will be Thursday/Saturday. Can you imagine the added pressure it will put on the first week. People are going to flood out there knowing they are not going to want to go after that. I would not want to spend the amount of money I do to drag my boat and camper out there, set it all up and tear it all down for a chance the weather is going to let me out on the one day a week it is open. In the past they have had one day a week quota clean ups and no one goes. It has to be for that same reason. Personally I think its a very dangerous idea. What are your thoughts as I am collecting input from everyone.

Do you want to see a one day a week halibut fishery?

Here is the letter from WDFW:

September 19, 2013

Dear Recreational Halibut Angler:

The Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) is considering changes to the Council’s Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan (CSP) for 2014. Based on stakeholder input we received in July, WDFW submitted a report to the PFMC last week summarizing proposed changes we recommended be considered for public review. The Council adopted the WDFW proposed changes to the CSP as described below for public review.

The Department has scheduled a meeting for October 7, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. at the Montesano office to refine only those changes that were adopted for public review; we will not be discussing alternatives for the Puget Sound halibut season, changes to the south coast subarea, or new proposals at this meeting. WDFW will submit a report to the Council for final action at their meeting the week of November 1-6, 2013 in Costa Mesa, California.

The proposed changes that will be discussed are:

Washington North Coast Subarea
1. Revise the CSP language to more clearly describe the management closure and remove the provision for a nearshore fishery when there is not enough quota for another off-shore fishing day.
2. Revise the days of the week that the fishery is open so that the fishery is open on Saturdays only after the first week of fishing which maintains the status quo open days per week of Thursday and Saturday.

Columbia River Subarea (Washington and Oregon)
1. Revise the days of the week that the season is open from Friday through Sunday to Thursday through Sunday. Changing the days of the week that the fishery is open would also require changing the early season opening date from the first Friday in May to the first Thursday in May. The late season opening date would change from the first Friday in August to the first Thursday in August.
2. Revise the subarea allocation such that 1,500 pounds or 10 percent of the subarea allocation, whichever is less, is set aside for a nearshore fishery in the area shoreward of either 30 or 40 fathoms with the remaining allocation divided such that 80 percent is reserved for the early season and 20 percent is reserved for the late season.
3. Revise the bottomfish restrictions in this subarea such that lingcod retention would be allowed when halibut are onboard according to one of the following three options:
a. Allow lingcod retention when halibut are on board on Thursdays through Sundays from the first Thursday in May until the first Thursday in August or, until 80 percent of the subarea allocation is taken whichever occurs first, in the area seaward of 30 fathoms.
b. Allow lingcod retention when halibut are on board seven days per week in the area shoreward of 30 fathoms.
c. Allow lingcod retention throughout the entire halibut season.

Remember that “status quo” is always an option and proposals that fall within the range of the alternatives can also be considered.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (360) 249-1202.


Heather Reed
Coastal Marine Resources Policy Coordinator

cc: Phil Anderson
Michele Culver
Posts: 93
Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:27 pm

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