First off, welcome aboard 'stroke!
I'm thrilled to be able to honestly tell you that you've picked a great year to invest in Puget Sound Salmon angling.
I know the topic on the table is salmon but since May salt-water salmon opportunities are a bit scarce in the Sound I don't want you to forget about ling-cod. Marine Area 9 is very solid for these toothy, tasty critters and it's a great way to work the bugs out of a new boat...and trust me...there will be bugs. Lings are open in Puget Sound until June 15th.
By the way, Bookmark this link to the official WDFW saltwatern regulations: one brings us the Marine Area (MA) 10 catch and release chinook season which is open north of a line Point Monroe to Meadow Point.
July first brings the MA 9 & 10 salmon opener which allows you to take resident coho and c&r chinook. Also July first is the MA 7 San Juan Island opener...Should be great and I'll be there!
July 16th will bring the much awaited MA 9 & 10 selective chinook opener which should provide one of the best hatchery saltwater action in the state.
As this is a humpy year and 6.1 million of these critters have recieved an "invitation" to the party, I'm fairly certain that some will show up early. Pink reports will start filtering in by late July and by the second week of on Bro.
Last year's coho fishery was one for the books and if your freezer isn't full to bursing by September... It will be shortly thereafter!
I hope this helps and if you stay tuned to The Outdoor Line on 710 ESPN Seattle we'll keep you pointed in the right direction!
Here's hoping you "stroke" some fish on that new ride of yours!