Proposed Legislation to Ban Lead Fishing Products HB 2241

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Proposed Legislation to Ban Lead Fishing Products HB 2241

Postby Marc Marcantonio » Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:10 pm

Guys, get with it quick! Nothing on your website or program preview for this weekend's show about HB 2241? We really need to get the word out that this bill will ban ALL lead tackle of one ounce and less, period! They are back and all I can say to those who chided me last year that only 13 lakes would get a lead ban when the Loon lead issue arose, I told you so!

Not enough got involved, and the birders saw that as a sign of weakness on the part of anglers. We let them ban lead on 13 lakes without scientific evidence, and since many anglers didn't get involved (because they don't fish trout in those 13 lakes), the lead ban is being expanded Statewide!

The public hearing with the Environmental Committee is this Thursday morning at 8 a.m. We need your support and testimony. If it makes it out of committee, you need to let your legislators know that this legislation has no scientific validity, and will seriously impact jobs and the recreational enjoyment of thousands of citizens. Any fishing product with lead of one ounce and below is affected.

I have alerted the ASA, and several other organizations. PSA is on board. We need help from CCA, TU, and every other angler out there. Does anyone seriously think the Audubon Society and PETA will stop with fishing lead? Ultimately they will achieve what they really want, which is a total ban on ammo. Even California is not this radical! Are we going to do something about this, or are we going to let the Audubon Society and PETA run this state?

Marc Marcantonio
Marc Marcantonio
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Re: Proposed Legislation to Ban Lead Fishing Products HB 224

Postby Marc Marcantonio » Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:14 pm

Good news, the ASA has gone nationwide to help us in the battle against the ban of lead fishing tackle. Click on the below link for information, and a simple form that takes one minute to complete and let your voice be heard!
Marc Marcantonio
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Re: Proposed Legislation to Ban Lead Fishing Products HB 224

Postby adipose clipper » Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:07 pm

Good luck Marc

I tried to lead the charge several years ago to save the Des Moines launching facilities. The South Sound Fishing Club let me speak up but no one would attend the meetings

and another launch bite the dust

and why did I waste my time?

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Re: Proposed Legislation to Ban Lead Fishing Products HB 224

Postby Marc Marcantonio » Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:35 pm

We have a good chance to defeat this bill; and everyone's letters will help.

I just found out the the Enivornment Committee meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning (I was planning to testify there) has been postponed due to weather. This can work in our favor since it gives everyone more time to send in their messages to the Environment Committee members. I am hearing that some of the sponsors are backing away from their support saying they had no idea of the impact this ban would be on us anglers. They were told lead alternatives were effective and available, and assumed this was simply a good thing.

Please continue to email the committee members listed above, and your legislator and let them know how harmful this bill is to our economy, and to your right to enjoy Washington's great outdoors. We have a good chance of killing this bill in the committee.

Not sure when the public testimony meeting will be rescheduled; I'm hearing possibly next Tuesday. Hopefully I will be able to arrange to be there.

Marc Marcantonio
Marc Marcantonio
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Re: Proposed Legislation to Ban Lead Fishing Products HB 224

Postby Nelly » Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:03 am

Marc Marcantonio wrote:Guys, get with it quick! Nothing on your website or program preview for this weekend's show about HB 2241? We really need to get the word out that this bill will ban ALL lead tackle of one ounce and less, period! They are back and all I can say to those who chided me last year that only 13 lakes would get a lead ban when the Loon lead issue arose, I told you so!

Does anyone seriously think the Audubon Society and PETA will stop with fishing lead? Ultimately they will achieve what they really want, which is a total ban on ammo. Even California is not this radical! Are we going to do something about this, or are we going to let the Audubon Society and PETA run this state?...

Look again Marc,
The show preview page now details the issue and we have had a Voter Voice link since early in the week thanks to PSA & Ron Garner
Overall though, you're right Marc, we should have been on this sooner and it's the same agenda that has been attacking our outdoor pursuits for decades.
The snow did us a favor in delaying testimony on this bill, giving us a few more days to get the word out!

If anybody reading this has not emailed your Legislator please do so. Here's a link to the other thread on this Forum detailing exactly how to do just that!
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Re: Proposed Legislation to Ban Lead Fishing Products HB 224

Postby BothellBikeGuy » Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:57 am

Thanks for the heads up. I just sent my letter along with a link to all my TU buddies
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Re: Proposed Legislation to Ban Lead Fishing Products HB 224

Postby Marc Marcantonio » Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:46 pm

Way to go, Nellie; you guys are on it!

And thanks to each of you who took a stand and sent an email to the committee members! Olympia is getting hit hard with an ice storm, but the real damage can be done by sending in our letters before Monday night!

Understand that many of these committee members know nothing about fishing. Some signed on as sponsors because the loon advocates assured them that lead substitutes are readily available and nobody would mind the ban! If you convince them (respectfully) they might change their mind real quick about supporting this bill and hopefully will withdraw it before it ever gets to a vote!

Thank you for help!

Marc Marcantonio
Marc Marcantonio
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