Not in my backyard...?

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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby J.D. » Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:51 pm

Dash One wrote:Quote: "I know many that have offered information to you guys only to have it exploited on the air."

From my personal experience: Nothing I have ever told Robbo, Nelly or Rob, in confidence, has been repeated on-air. I have at times, given reports on the show and relayed non-classified info for general consumption. It is a fine line between giving up too much information, and sharing the same, in an effort to steer fellow anglers in the right direction so that we can all enjoy other's success. As far as the reports given on-air ... it wouldn't be much of a show without some when, where, and technique.

More and more, I find myself tight-lipped about a current hot bite. I spend a lot of time and $$ in pursuit of that bite. It is disheartening to me to get on fish, only to arrive at that spot a few days later and see 30 or 40 boats in that small area ... at times, the result of and internet report. I feel I have "earned it" so to speak, and believe others should as well ... and think part of the challenge and joy of salmon fishing is finding fish and the figuring out the right presentation. To put out too much detail deprives/denies others who are not willing to put in the time and effort to make their own report ... as some expect too much in the way of immediate success.

Keep up the good work ... but don't tell anyone I told you that!


Couldn't have said it any better Jay. As someone that loves to help a fellow recreational fisherman I'll say this.

There are places in WA both in the salt and the fresh that I share with friends only. Very little has to be said to any of mine whether they're a popular media person or in contrast a to-themself-type with no internet or computer when it comes to "spots" that are found and patterned by time spent. Some of the most proficient recreational fishermen I've had the pleasure to know that can type do so with their two index fingers if they even know how to type at all.

For someone to get bent out of shape that a popular well known "area" fishery gets in the spotlight on a blog, forum, or a radio broadcast is rediculous. Likewise, a true "spot" that's brought to attention publicly does erk me. Seen it done to small streams in the past via the WWW, and am seeing salt "spots" on the WWW as recently as last month. Even salt spots certainly can attract a mass of report chasers. Not that there isn't enough fish for everyone, but in certain "spots" there isn't enough room for boats and occasionally the pressure will kill a bite. It's not like giving an offshore tuna/salmon coordinate. Beauty of certain spot fisheries, their intracacies can deter to report chasers. But if they get a detailed enough good one, they're deterimined. A couple of years back we literally got run onto a washrock by an unfamiliar report chaser. I don' think they landed a fish in the spot that day, but they managed to cut off one of ours and while ignoring the rules of the road, caused us to hang our DR balls on said washrock shortly after.

"Hero" seems to be a term used to describe the loose lipped. They hold up every fish they catch for pics, share them publicly, and usually openly share the exact where/how/what. If someone has a problem with that so be it. As Ray mentioned it's part of current media. When it comes to "spots", it comes down to common sense. Keep it amongst your buddies after (or already) politely suggesting that public brodcasting of "spots" is a no-no, if it can't handle a crowd. There are even some that try to create a crowd to simply expand their "hero" status.

When Tobeck, Robbo, or Big Tom, or even one of my Neandrethal buddies with no Webz (big tom has webz and can type though) wants a detailed fishing report that happens to envole a "spot", they'll get it in as much detail as they want. And I'll know not one of them won't broadcast it on the Web or the Radio with minimal explaination. It was that way before the WWW and is that way now with many of us.
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby stam » Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:32 am

You guys have a radio show...? ;)

Keep up the good work, interesting thread with some interesting points.

Thank you
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby Nelly » Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:07 pm

Omega3 wrote:I agree 100% with the author of the letter... I really don't think you understand the power of your reports on the radio and how it effects the fishing pressure.

Tom, many of us long time fisherman share this frustration (many who have known you for a long, long time). In April I shared with you a report about Fraser River springers and a hot bite at Salmon Bank. I asked you not to share and you acknowleged. The next day you shared the info on the radio, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. That Sunday Salmon Bank had triple the number of boas on it. Coincidence? I don't think so. Remember last year before the area 9 opener when you made a comment that the only place to be on the opener was Midchannel Bank? Look at the results. I can't tell you how many locals were talking abou that and how many were really upset.

...The difference between all of you who run the show and us fisherman is that you are all about ratings and we are just trying to have a good time which is impossible when you have the insane crowds after a report on your show. There was a news report on Friday that a orca had been struck and injured by a sport fishing boat off the W. side of San Juan. It later turned out that it was not accurate, but what if that was true and what if it was one of these novices running around in a ski boat long lining for humpies? Do you think NOAA would take that lightly? NO!!!!

Tom, you lost my trust in you when I asked you not to talk about my report. You aired it on the radio and as a result there was huge crowds the next day. I get what the author is talking about and while you put out a lot of info for newbies the vetran fisherman including some close to you are frusrated....

Hey O3,
First off, I'm in the dark here since I don't know who you are but that's OK. If I betrayed a confidence I sincerely apologize.
I did indeed fish Salmon Bank last spring after talking to a couple of friends, we caught some fish, I posted a fishing report and we talked about it the following Saturday.

The "Midchannel Incident" of 2010? Guilty as charged.

My pre-season pick for the A9 Summer chinook season was indeed Port Townsend and there was a bunch of boats there but as the opener fell on a Saturday this year (2011) and I didn't really make a pre-season call. Was the pressure any less this year?

We can't live in fear of what NOAA might or might not do with regard to the west side of San Juan Island. If we as a group of sportfishers stay informed and stay involved, we'll keep the lab coats at bay.

honeybadger wrote:...I don't think the author was wanting his letter or concerns put up for public knowledge but instead he thought enough of your radio show and of you as a host to voice concern about 1 area....Overcrowding is going to happen whether or not you guys are on the air but the concerned listener who took time to write a letter most likely didn't plan on you guys making a mockery of him on the www. Your show will no longer air in my boat and I will make it a point to avoid a simple hello at the derbies.

Nobody on this Forum has made a "mockery" of the writer of the email.

Quite to the contrary, his email has inspired a discussion that I believe has value which is why I took the liberty of posting it while protecting his identity and home town.

Who you listen to on Saturday morning and talk to at the derbies is entirely up to you but I sincerely hope that this exchange of thoughts and beliefs has not offended you.

Good luck and happy trails, T
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby honeybadger » Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:15 am

Like the author said. Now more attention is being drawn to the westside by posting that letter for all to see when if it was to made public knowledge he may have posted it online. You don't get it. If you feel areas need more pressure than post where you are catching fish and the days you are going fishing and let the crowds bother you and not us zipperlip types.
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby LisaMarie » Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:01 am

I texted in this morning asking about places to catch Chinook in MA7. The west side of SJ Island came up. I had also talked to local Sporting goods store yesterday and talked to a guy that knows the area. He said the same thing as OL mentioned. I had already planned on fishing that fishery before heading to the store or texting in. They just confirm what I'm thinking. So, I don't think that the West Side of SJ is a "Secret" Honey Hole... It's well known.

I personally like meeting other guys, talk to other fishermen, and seeing Parents with their kids out fishing...
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby nascarrich60-1 » Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:22 pm

Last time I looked for Fishing Information for the Marine Area 1-13, my choices included FISH-n-MAP CO, Washington's TOP Fishing Maps from the Fishing & Hunting News Magazine, Northwest Sportsman Magazine, Salmon Trout Steelheader Magazine, Salmon & Steelhead Journal. Newspaper Outdoor Sections include up to date reports on the salmon fishing in the local areas. Outdoor Radio Shows such as the Outdoor Line, The other Outdoor Show on AM 950 that broadcasts on Saturday at the same time. These information media's provide fairly up to date fishing reports, locations, times of year, gear & methods. Does this mean you'll be guaranteed to catch more salmon? Not a chance! You still have to get out there and put the time in.
Possibly your problem is with the First Amendment that has something to do with "FREE SPEECH"! If you believe that you are denied your rightful salmon by what is discussed on the Outdoor Line radio show, then file a Class Action Lawsuit to include all the other sources to your "Backyard" and your rightful share of the salmon! Good Luck!
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby honeybadger » Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:03 am

[quote="nascarrich60-1"]Last time I looked for Fishing Information for the Marine Area 1-13, my choices included FISH-n-MAP CO, Washington's TOP Fishing Maps from the Fishing & Hunting News Magazine, Northwest Sportsman Magazine, Salmon Trout Steelheader Magazine, Salmon & Steelhead Journal. Newspaper Outdoor Sections include up to date reports on the salmon fishing in the local areas. Outdoor Radio Shows such as the Outdoor Line, The other Outdoor Show on AM 950 that broadcasts on Saturday at the same time. These information media's provide fairly up to date fishing reports, locations, times of year, gear & methods. Does this mean you'll be guaranteed to catch more salmon? Not a chance! You still have to get out there and put the time in.
Possibly your problem is with the First Amendment that has something to do with "FREE SPEECH"! If you believe that you are denied your rightful salmon by what is discussed on the Outdoor Line radio show, then file a Class Action Lawsuit to include all the other sources to your "Backyard" and your rightful share of the salmon!

You are the type of person who hasn't a clue. You post your humpy pics
on every forum on the web. And you have a disregard for others and the importance of keeping certain areas off the main screen.
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby salvelinus » Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:23 pm

Humpies huh badger........settle down
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby honeybadger » Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:06 pm

This goes for all of you. Learn how to be a fisherman by doing. Quit relying on others to find your fish. Bunch of people who don't put their time in and watch for the latest internt report to put fish in the freezer.
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Re: Not in my backyard...?

Postby Eddy C » Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:14 am

I googled up honeybadger and this is what I found!

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