I finally got my new FF/GPS installed and out for a test. WOW, I can't say enough about the downscan imaging. I took it out to Lake Cavanaugh yesterday and trolled for some Cuts. I was almost mesmerized by the views of the bottom. Sunken trees and stumps with fish hanging on them. It is very dramatic and a significant improvement over my previous unit. We did catch a couple of Cuts on a Triple teaser. It may be a little early, but we still caught fish. We saw every kind of weather. I can't wait to get this new unit out in the sound and see how it performs. In the shallow water the 800 Khz had the most picture detail, but I was surprised that 455 Khz was also displayed in the 3d sonar format. This is a great unit for the price. I also added a Navionics Hotspot chip. I'm sold and will be back on the water very soon.