WDFW Parking Pass B.S.

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WDFW Parking Pass B.S.

Postby Ruckus » Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:40 pm

You know when the WDFW started making all of us put parking passes in our windows to park at public boat launches ect. I thought it was a good idea to make other users of the resource help pay for the facilities and not all the financial burden fall on sportsman, and since they came free with our licenses no harm no foul as long as you remembered to hang it in your window. What pisses me off is on opening day of trout season this year I saw fish and game putting tickets on windows of fisherman's vehicles in the boat launch parking lot. Now most likely everybody there that day had a fishing license and got a free pass. either they forgot to hang it in the window or the counter person at Wal-Mart or Fred Meyers failed to give them one, I've seen that happen. Now What really pisses me off is when I tried to pull my boat out of Ben Howard Ramp this weekend on the Skykomish I couldn't even squeeze my truck and trailer through the lot because it was OVERRUN with vehicles from the hundreds of people intertubing down the river in everything from air mattresses to rubber ducky floaters and not one single vehicle had a pass in the window!! Where the hell are the ticket writers now? :x It seemed like the perfect opportunity to earn a little revenue to help fix up our ramps! Wasnt that the damn reason to start the program in the first place! Not to mention the mess all those drunk slobs left all over the parking lot and gravel bar! I'm so sick of this state and the B.S.! :x :x :x
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Re: WDFW Parking Pass B.S.

Postby Salmonhawk » Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:16 pm

No doubt that all the trash will be blamed on recreational fisherman. I feel your frustration.
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Re: WDFW Parking Pass B.S.

Postby Robbo » Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:36 pm

Call and let the department know when you see violations like this. Wardens are stretched thin as it is and can't be everywhere. Plussss...the warden on the Sky is smokin' and you'll want to stick around and perhaps have her put the cuffs on you or something. Just sayin :)
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Re: WDFW Parking Pass B.S.

Postby stam » Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:23 am

If you were on State Land this may explain it....

If not, something else might....or not. very confusing.
..by plan.

Kiss my pass

By Patrick Hannigan

“In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd.”
Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616).

The author of Don Quixote might well have been describing any effort to understand or comply with the current system of passes, permits, stickers and decals required to access the public lands that make up 90 percent of the Methow. Figuring out where who must purchase what permissions to explore which state and federal acreages in the valley is a quixotic task wrapped up in a Gordian knot of red tape.

To help clarify the situation, following are answers to a few frequently asked questions.

My family would like to go for a hike and maybe jump in a lake this Fourth of July weekend – what passes do I need to buy?

It’s a simple three-step process. First, determine which state or federal agency manages the public lands you might visit: the USFS, DFW, DNR, BLM, NPS, BPA, WASF, WASPRC or the USWAKLUSTRFUCD. Second, purchase an appropriate passel of passes such as the Northwest Forest Pass ($30), the America the Beautiful Pass ($80), the Washington and Oregon Recreation Pass ($100), the Interagency VIP Pass ($230), the Wild Lands Day Pass ($50) and the Fish and Wildlife Vehicle Access Pass ($12). Third, have fun!

What’s this new “Discovery Pass” I’ve heard rumors about?

Beginning this weekend you need one of those, too. The “Discovery Pass” allows you to enjoy all of the parks, lakes, rivers, wildlife areas, trails, trailheads, roads, pullouts and pit toilets (BYOTP) managed by the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, the Washington State Department of Natural Resources and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. If you have a family, you’ll need two or more passes because they are not transferable. Note: the $30 “Discovery Pass” actually costs $35 after state-contracted corporate vendors get their cut.

What if I don’t get one?

The fine for accessing state lands without the pass is $99 for first-time offenders. Three-time scofflaws would be subject to Washington’s “Three Strikes” law and receive a life sentence in prison.

Are they actually going to enforce this?

Vicki Pain, “Discovery Pass” spokeswoman, said that the law would be vigorously and ruthlessly enforced as soon as it goes into effect this Friday (July 1) at 12:01 a.m.
“Nobody really knows about the new ‘Discovery Pass,’ so we expect to issue around $1.5 million in citations statewide during our public education campaign over the Fourth of July holiday,” said Pain. “At $99 a pop we can really jumpstart this program – it’s going to be like shooting taxpayers in a barrel.”

Where can I buy a “Discovery Pass”?

That’s part of the mystery. You can’t actually buy a pass at most of the places they are required, such as Big Valley Ranch, Beaver Creek, Bear Creek, Pipestone Canyon, Halterman’s Hole, Patterson Lake, Twin Lakes and 117 other locations in the Methow. However, they are available online (allow five to 10 business days for shipping) or at convenient local retailers such as Walmart in Omak.

What’s up with the “Activity Decals”?

“Activity Decals” are stickers one must purchase in addition to the “Discovery Pass” in order to participate in different recreational activities on state lands. Presently, decals are required for hiking, biking, swimming, picnicking, inner-tubing and watching wildlife. Each activity decal costs an additional $5 per person per day.

I can’t afford all these passes – can I earn one by volunteering?

Yes you can! All it takes to earn a Discovery Pass is one weekend a month and two weeks a year. Enforcement volunteers receive a citation book, a plastic badge, a brown shirt and a free day pass once they have written at least 10 tickets to non-compliants.

Why do I need to pay to access state taxpayer-owned lands?

That’s a simple question with lots of complicated answers, son. Just buy one.

NOTE: The above appeared in the June 29 edition of the Methow Valley News.
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Re: WDFW Parking Pass B.S.

Postby Ruckus » Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:09 am

Noted Robbo...will do!
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