Hey Chromer,
Have you ever heard of the blind men and the elephant?
One blind man felt the trunk and said the elephant was long and round like a snake, the next felt the side and said the elephant was wide and flat like a wall and so on.
Every week, we are the blind men attempting to reconcile our own experiences with reports around the region to honestly deliver the very best information that we can compile.
We certainly do not wake up on Saturday morning with the intention of making someone uncomfortable or attempt to diminish someone's experience or efforts.
The crabbing that I have experienced this season in areas 8 & 9 has been fairly solid and I have heard that Area 10 and the south sound have been over run with red rock crab and Dungeness fishing has been tough.
I always try to be positive with my opinions and if I made a comment about bait that minimized the situation in the mid and south Sound, please allow me to apologize.
Thanks for your kind words about the show and I appreciate you listening!
Good luck and see you on the water, T