by ondarvr » Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:02 pm
Which side planer did you use.
I lived on Lake WA for many years and fished it all the time, it was a totally different lake in the mid sixties when it was so polluted it would have almost been labeled as a superfund site. It was interesting though because there were still good returns of steelhead and salmon even to the small creeks that had sewer pipes discharging directly into water.
I volunteered to work with the regulatory agency to find and identify the discharge pipes, they also did dye testing to see where storm drains dumped in. It was after all this work was done and the water cleaned up that the runs really started to decline, then disappear from these small creeks. One thing they did to help Juanita creek was to cut all the brush away that covered it, clear cutting the bank always helps the fish. Then apartments were built all around it, I don’t think anything returns to it now. Juanita HS did have a fisheries class that planted Kings, but I don’t know if that happens anymore. When this HS run started to have fish return the tribes started netting the mouth of the creek. After some discussions and bad press they agreed to move out away from mouth.
We fished for trout, catfish, crappie, perch, bass, kokanee, carp, salmon and steelhead. There are a few other things to fish for now, I don’t know if they weren’t in the lake back then, or if it was just that nobody knew they were there.