Hey Everybody, There is still some seats left for both classes. Attend this in depth all day calling workshop that will take your calling to the next level or get you started with the right foundations to make you an accomplished caller! Lots of one-on-one time as you practice each step we teach you. With training exercises that will help you build confidence in your calling to not scare those wary late season birds away! We also teach you how to take apart and re-tune your calls even how to cut,trim and shave your own reeds! Classes are this Saturday Sept. 22nd 9am-4pm for Duck cost:$60 and Sunday Sept 23rd 9am-4pm for Goose cost:$80. Attend both classes for $120. Contact Robert Strong at 206-714-0178 to reserve your seat. http://www.ruckusoutfitters.com
http://www.ruckusoutfitters.com/gallery ... px?moid=78