Ideal weather conditions and good fishing greet anglers across Washington on Saturday’s opening day of the lowland lakes trout season; expect decent fishing for weeks to come Leave a reply

Contributed by Mark Yuasa, WDFW
Usually when you hear about the statewide opening day of trout fishing it often correlates to a rainy and dreary weather event but this past weekend you couldn’t have forecasted a more perfect situation.
Not only was it sunny and rather warm but the trout in hundreds of lakes across the state were willing to bite leaving many anglers stoked with excitement.
“It seems like most years we are fighting either rain, wind, or cold weather on the lowland lake opener,” said Steve Caromile, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) inland trout manager. “For the most part the weather cooperated around the state and there seemed to be a lot of happy anglers.”
“Catch rates were excellent in some lakes and decent in many lakes,” Caromile said. “But the rain (and snow and hail) and unsteady barometer over the past few weeks kept many lakes at slightly cooler temperatures than what we often see. Some lakes were still in the low 40’s, and others were still in the middle of turnover, neither of which is great for fishing. Catch rates should be improving over the next few weeks.”
In advance of the opener, WDFW planted around 2.1 million catchable-size rainbow trout averaging 2 to 2.5 trout per pound in size. To sweeten the pot, more than 147,000 jumbo rainbow trout averaging one pound or more were also planted into some lakes.

Top that off with more than 12.4 million fingerling and fry – 10 to 600 trout per pound in size – that were planted two years ago, and another nearly 1.5 million trout stocked in 2021 averaging 2.6 to 10 trout per pound in size (now in the 8- to 12-inch range) and you’ve got a lot of trout swimming around in lakes.
The statewide totals for opening day on Saturday (April 23) saw 2,432 anglers surveyed statewide caught 7,794 trout and released 2,629 for an average of 3.20 caught and 2.12 kept per angler. This is a slight improvement compared to 2021 when 2,355 anglers kept 5,149 and released 2,533 for 3.26 and 2.1.
WDFW will continue to do additional trout stocking for the next couple of weeks and that includes more trout in some of year-round lakes on top of what has already gone into the lakes and should sustain fishing throughout spring and early summer.
The statewide WDFW Trout Derby commenced on opening day and runs through Oct. 31 with thousands of tagged trout lurking in more than 100 statewide lakes. Anglers who catch a tagged trout can win over 800 donated prizes totaling around $37,000. The average number of tags turned in was 55 percent in 2021.
On opening day (April 23) a total of 80 tags were turned in for prizes out of 830 tagged fish which equates to 9.6% turned in and yearly average is about 10%. The expected total tagged fish will be 847 in 2022 as 17 need to still go into one lake that remains snowed in.

Anglers can track how many tags have been turned in to date, and it also indicates how many tags remain in each lake. For details, go to
There are kids fishing events held throughout the year hosted by WDFW – – and other fishing groups and clubs such as the C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation –
Here are how anglers fared on opening day across Washington:
(Region total of 282 anglers with 317 trout kept and 172 released for 1.1 trout kept per angler)
Ferry County – Lake Ellen, 13 anglers with eight trout kept for 0.62 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 16 inches (Notes: Nice weather. Low angler turnout. Low water temperature made for tough fishing).
Pend Oreille County – Diamond Lake, 17 anglers with six trout kept for 0.35 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 20 inches (Notes: Warm, sunny day, but water temp was very cold. Slow fishing).
Stevens County – Cedar Lake, six anglers with 20 trout kept and two released for 2.67 and largest rainbow trout was 17.5 inches (Notes: Water temperature was cold (44 degrees F), so fishing was slow, but nice fry plant and carryovers. Will trout great in May). Mudget Lake, 15 anglers with 20 trout and two released for 1.33 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 18 inches (Notes: Weather was good, but fishing was slow due to low water temp. Most of the catch made up of trout over 14 inches). Rocky Lake, five anglers with seven trout and three released for 1.4 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 15 inches (Notes: Low angler turnout. Really nice fry plant and carryovers, but water temperature was in the low to mid 40’s. Will be good once it warms up). Starvation Lake, 27 anglers with two trout kept and two released for 0.07 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 20 inches (Notes: Fishing was very slow despite catchables planted and good numbers of carryovers in pre-season sampling. Water was very cold, in the low 40’s). Waitts Lake, 12 anglers with 12 trout kept and 20 released for 1.00 kept per angler and largest brown trout was 19 inches (Notes: Beautiful sunny day with no wind, but water temperature was only 45 degrees).

Spokane County – West Medical Lake, 66 anglers with 66 trout kept, 1.00 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 23 inches. Badger Lake, 37 anglers with 67 trout kept and 28 released for 1.8 kept per angler and largest was 18.5 inches. Fish Lake, 17 anglers with 17 trout kept and seven released for 1.00 kept per angler and largest broodstock brook trout was 15 inches. Williams Lake, 20 anglers with 33 trout kept and 34 released for 1.65 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 21 inches. Fishtrap Lake, 30 anglers with 36 trout kept and 13 released for 1.2 kept per angler and largest trout was 20 inches. Clear Lake, 17 anglers with 23 trout kept and 37 released for 1.4 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 19 inches.
(Region total of 284 anglers with 794 trout kept and 71 released for 2.8 kept per angler)
Okanogan County – Pearrygin Lake, 22 anglers with six trout kept and one released for 0.27 trout kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 19 inches (Notes: Weather was sunny and 65F. (rainy and cold last few years on opening day).
Grant County – Park Lake, 38 anglers with 81 trout kept for 2.13 kept per angler and largest rainbow was 19 inches (Notes: Great weather, some yearlings in the catch along with carryovers and some fall catchables). Blue Lake, 46 anglers with 53 trout kept for 1.15 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 18.5 inches (Notes: Great weather very happy anglers, big trout). Deep Lake, 57 anglers with 219 trout kept and 22 released for 3.84 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 15 inches (Notes: Great weather, happy anglers, good looking trout).
Adams County – Warden Lake, 47 anglers with 167 trout kept and 32 released for 3.55 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout 13.5 inches (Notes: Great weather, very satisfied anglers).
Douglas County – Jameson Lake, 17 anglers with 77 kept trout for 4.5 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout 19.5 inches (Notes: Weather was calm and sunny, many happy anglers. The 19.5-inch rainbow ended up being a tagged. derby trout from 2021. Unfortunately, not many completed anglers to check, but they were pleased with the overall size of the RBT which many of them ranged from 14 to 18 inches).
Chelan County – Wapato Lake, 57 anglers with 191 kept trout and six released for 3.4 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 20 inches and kokanee were 17 inches (Notes: Of the trout checked, 21 were kokanee which averaged 16 inches. Weather was sunny and windy, but anglers were happy to be out on the water).
(Region total of 570 anglers with 1,418 kept trout and 1,001 released for 2.5 kept per angler)
King County – Cottage Lake, 25 anglers with 63 kept trout and 21 released for 2.52 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 17 inches (Notes: Weather was great, no rain, majority of people were super happy, it got a bit territorial especially on the dock. Most everyone knew about the derby and were excited about it). Geneva Lake, 22 anglers with 64 kept trout and 126 released for 2.91 kept per angler and largest: rainbow trout was 12.75 inches (Notes: Peak effort was about 9 a.m.). Margaret Lake, 17 anglers with 71 trout kept and 22 released for 4.18 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 12 inches (Notes: Fun day! Weather was fine and folks were in good spirits). Pine Lake, 32 anglers with 58 kept trout and 17 released for 1.81 kept per angler (Notes: Slower than expected. Good weather. Happy anglers). Walker Lake, 12 anglers with 19 trout kept and 126 released for 1.58 kept per angler and largest rainbow was 11.5 inches (Notes: Happy anglers, great weather, less pressure than usual). Wilderness Lake, 56 anglers with 173 trout kept and 96 released for 3.09 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 16.25 inches (Notes: Sunny with great and happy kids, most adults happy too).
Snohomish County – Armstrong Lake, 20 anglers with 36 trout kept and 24 released for 1.80 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 20.3 inches (Notes: Lots of happy people and sunny). Bosworth Lake, 20 anglers with 61 kept trout, 3.05 kept per angler; 31 trout released (Notes: No jumbos, but many rainbows in the 13- to 14-inch range. Most were happy. Fewer than expected. Effort trended up throughout the day with the peak count was at 11 a.m.). Echo Lake-Maltby, 11 anglers with 38 trout kept and 58 released for 3.45 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 16.5 inches (Notes: Happy anglers). Howard Lake, 18 anglers with 61 trout kept and 87 released for 3.39 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 17 inches and more than one this size caught (Notes: Lovely weather). Ki Lake, 35 anglers with 68 kept trout and 38 released for 1.94 kept per angler and largest rainbow was 17.7 inches (Notes: It was nice weather. Most of the anglers were happy, particularly the boat anglers. Near the public access ramps the shore anglers expressed they were not getting any bites compared to previous years. Apparently they are usually closer to those landings. The boat anglers said that they were encountering trout further out and in the top west corner). Martha-Alderwood Manor, 21 anglers with 35 kept trout and 43 released for 1.67 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 17.5 inches (Notes: Lot’s happy anglers, nice trout). Serene Lake, 18 anglers with 66 kept trout and 15 released for 3.67 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 19.5 inches (Notes: Good weather. Multiple trout exceeding 16 inches). Wagner Lake, 10 anglers with 42 kept trout and 15 released for 4.20 kept per angler.

Skagit County – Lake McMurray, 41 anglers with 135 kept trout and 69 released for3.29 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 18 inches (Notes: Beautiful day, lot of happy people, even with a crowded boat launch). Heart Lake, 47 anglers with 125 kept trout and 43 released for 2.66 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 21 inches (Notes: Lots of happy people, great weather). Erie Lake, 37 anglers with 131 kept trout and 25 released for 3.54 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 19 inches (Notes: Sunny. Relatively happy anglers).
Whatcom County – Cain Lake, seven anglers with 28 kept trout and 35 released for 4.0 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 13 inches (Notes: Great weather, jumping trout. Lady fishing her 65th opening day. Most anglers arrived later in the morning). Padden Lake, 17 anglers with 49 kept trout and 13 released for 2.88 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 11.5 inches (Notes: Beautiful weather, lots of family gatherings). Silver Lake, 104 anglers with 95 kept trout and 97 released for 0.91 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 26 inches (Notes: Many trout over 12″, great weather, staying out longer to enjoy conditions).
(Region total of 205 anglers with 450 trout kept and 374 released for 2.2 kept per angler)
Lewis County – Mineral Lake, 75 anglers with 220 trout kept and 75 released for 2.9 kept per angler. Carlisle Lake, 62 anglers with 69 trout kept and 49 released for 1.1 kept per angler.
Klickitat County – Rowland Lake, 30 anglers with 82 trout kept and 217 released for 2.7 kept per angler. Horsethief Lake, seven anglers with three trout kept for 0.4 kept per angler. Spearfish Lake, 31 anglers with 76 trout kept and 33 released for 2.5 kept per angler.

(Region total of 1,091 anglers with 2,186 trout kept and 1,021 released for 2.0 kept per angler)
Grays Harbor County – Sylvia Lake, 45 anglers with 32 trout kept and 40 released for 0.7 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 22 inches (Notes: Cool weather, slow bite). Aberdeen Lake, 177 anglers with 289 trout kept and 231 released for 1.6 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 23 inches (Notes: Good weather, lots of anglers). Lake Inez, 30 anglers with nine trout kept and 12 released for 0.3 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 20.5 inches (Notes: Slow bite, chilly morning). Lake Bowers, 43 anglers with 68 trout kept and one released for 1.6 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 21.5 inches (Notes: Slow fishing, but a few limits of big trout). Failor Lake, 47 anglers with 145 trout kept and 78 released for 3.1 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 22.5 inches (Notes: Good weather and happy anglers).
Pacific County – Black Lake, 41 anglers with 65 trout kept and 23 released for 1.6 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 5.5 pounds (Notes: Best weather in years, kid’s derby). Western Lake, 19 anglers with 17 trout kept and 19 released for 0.9 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 10 inches (Notes: Sunny morning). Snag Lake, eight anglers with six trout kept and 13 released for 0.8 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 10 inches (Notes: Sunny morning). Cases Pond, nine anglers with 12 trout kept and 10 released for 1.3 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 23 inches (Notes: Surplus hatchery steelhead still being caught).
Pierce County – Ohop Lake, 28 anglers with 46 trout kept and two released for 1.64 kept per angler. Silver Lake, 53 anglers with 46 trout kept and 27 released for 0.87 kept per angler. Carney Lake, 15 anglers with 28 trout kept and 12 released for 1.87 kept per angler. Crescent Lake, 29 anglers with 58 trout kept and 16 released for 2.0 kept per angler. Clear Lake, 60 anglers with 197 trout kept and 82 released for 3.28 kept per angler. Tanwax Lake, 13 anglers with 18 trout kept and 12 released for1.38 kept per angler. Rapjohn Lake, 14 anglers with 18 trout kept and 57 released for 1.29 kept per angler. Jackson Lake, six anglers with two trout kept and two released for 0.33 kept per angler.
Thurston County – Summit Lake, 48 anglers with 141 trout kept and 60 released, 2.94 kept per angler; 60 trout released. Pattison Lake, 15 anglers with 13 trout released. Deep Lake, 36 anglers with 31 trout kept and 13 released for 0.86 kept per angler. Clear Lake, 77 anglers with 298 trout kept and 15 released for 3.87 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 19 inches (Notes: Nice large trout).
Hicks Lake, 30 anglers with 36 trout kept for 1.20 kept per angler. McIntosh Lake, eight anglers with 16 trout kept and 27 released for 2.0 kept per angler. Ward Lake, 16 anglers with 23 trout kept and 43 released for 1.44 kept per angler.
Jefferson County – Sandy Shore Lake, 13 anglers with 17 trout kept and 36 released for 1.31 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 14 inches (Notes: Nice weather, very happy anglers. Two anglers caught and released about 30 trout between them (did not retain any) using flies and lures. Said trout were very aggressive). Tarboo Lake, 30 anglers with 55 trout kept and 20 released for 1.83 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 23 inches (Notes: Nice weather, lots of turnover with boats limiting and leaving, and new boaters arriving. Lots of small kids fishing with grandpa. Very happy anglers. Four additional carryovers in the 20- to 22-inch range). Haven Lake, six anglers with 15 trout kept and 15 released for 2.50 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 13 inches (Notes: Good fishing across the lake. Anglers pleased with ease of catching trout. Bait and lures work well. Fishing steady throughout the morning). Horseshoe Lake, 13 anglers with 10 trout kept for 0.77 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 22 inches (Notes: Heavy fog in early morning, cleared later in the day. Nice weather by mid-morning. Mostly bass fishing, most trout were released and not counted by anglers. Well known bass lake). Mission Lake, 18 anglers with 68 trout kept and 33 released for3.78 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 15.5 inches. Panther Lake, 15 anglers with 39 trout kept and 20 released for 2.60 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 13 inches (Notes: Nice day, very good fishing with nice looking trout. Happy anglers). Wildcat Lake, 27 anglers with 66 trout kept and 38 released for 2.44 kept per angler (Notes: Nice day no wind, no rain. Everyone enjoyed their fishing. More than a dozen carryover trout).
Mason County – Aldrich Lake, nine anglers with 38 trout kept and one released for 4.22 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 12 inches (Notes: Great fishing weather). Benson Lake, 22 anglers with 50 trout kept and 11 released for 2.27 kept per angler and largest was 12.5 inches (Notes: Kind of a slow start, but fishing picked up throughout the morning. Very happy anglers. Nice looking trout with nice fins and color). Don (Clara) Lake, 15 anglers with 67 trout kept for 4.47 kept per angler and largest was an 18-inch carryover trout (Notes: Parking lot full at 9 a.m.). Howell Lake, three anglers with 14 trout kept and largest was 13 inches (Notes: Very quiet since the boat launch was decommissioned). Lake Limerick, 19 anglers with 19 trout kept and 24 released and largest rainbow trout was 22 inches (Notes: Very happy anglers. Very busy with local HOA derby anglers fishing for large Derby trout planted by Lake Limerick HOA. Low retention of caught catchables, and most were fishing for derby trout). Robbins Lake, nine anglers with 40 trout kept and released one for 4.44 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 16 inches. Tiger Lake, 25 anglers with 87 trout kept and 14 released for 3.48 kept per angler and largest rainbow trout was 13 inches (Notes: Fast fishing, very nice rainbows with excellent fin condition and color. Intermittent heavy fog, but mostly low overcast and filtered sun during the morning check. No carryovers or derby trout checked).
(Mark Yuasa is a Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Communications Consultant and longtime contributor to ESPN 710 KIRO The Outdoor Line. He also was the fishing and hunting reporter at The Seattle Times for 28 years.)