Winter 2011/2012 Steelhead Smolt Numbers Released! 3

Nov 04, 2011 by Tom Nelson

Throughout all this talk of budget cuts, ocean survival and La Nina the fact remains that the hatchery steelhead are on their way!  

Here's why I'm looking at this year's hatchery runs more positively that the last couple years:

Look at the "bumper crop" of pinks & coho we've seen this year! There couldn't be a better indication of more oceanic forage and better feeding conditions  available to this seasons winter run.

A true La Nina winter -still in place from last year- could provide stable water conditions allowing us more fishing days (better opportunity) than the El Nino "Pineapple Express" river-level roller coaster.

Stabilized oceanic productivity back when this run's smolts hit the ocean (spring '10) might add up to better survival resulting in improved catch numbers.

The biggest fact in favor of a decent winter run this year? Brothers and sisters, WE ARE DUE! We've had a couple down years and 2011 and 2012 is PAYBACK TIME!

Agree or dissagree, love them or hate them; here are the State, tribal, federal and regional enhancement groups steelhead smolt releases between April 15 and May 31, 2010. Smolts are defined as hatchery reared juvenile steelhead released at a minimum size of 10 fish per pound. The majority of the adult returns from these releases are expected during the 2011-2012 seasons.

Here are the regional "major players" with the river system listed first, followed by the hatchery plant and the change from last year.  If you don't see your favorite crick check out the entire list at

Winter  Steelhead Smolt Stocking – 2011/2012

Skagit  231,500 (up from 174,000 last year)
Nooksack 106,200 (down from 146,500)
Snohomish  339,500 (down from 370,000)
Skykomish 148,000 (down from 153,900)
Snoqualmie 167,600 (up from 155,185)
Stillaguamish 76,600 (down from 125,165)
Green River 56,900 (way down from 270,800)
Puyallup River 26,300 (way, way down from 239,100)
Elwha River 124,700 (up from 98,889)
Bogachiel 120,300 (up from 100,000)
Hoh 79,200 (down from 99312)
Quinault 224,300 (up from 217,173)
Chehalis 368,100 (up from 331,280)
Wynoochie 175,000 (up from 140,380)
 Satsop 64,100 (up from 47,400)
Kalama 99,600 (down from 115,344)
Lewis 210,200 (up from 115,335)
Cowlitz 719,000 (down from 808,359)

There's the numbers! Now go out and get those hatchery fish out of those streams and don't forget to post your reports on The Outdoor Line's Fishing Report Page!!!

Tom Nelson
The Outdoor Line
710 ESPN Seattle



Phil Franklin on Jan 16, 2014 at 9:57 pm said:

If you don't like it don't do it. Go somewhere and fish!

fishandshoot on Dec 07, 2012 at 5:09 pm said:

feed sturgeon to sea lions plant fewer fish cowlitz and columbia .now i have to check fishing regs every morning before going fishing..

Sharkey on Nov 12, 2011 at 10:08 pm said:

Looks to me like the Stilly is a complete waste of time. Considering it hasn't produced with a 150,000 smolt release over the past couple of years. Which according to the hatchery manager is the most the state will allow them to release. All I know is that more fish is better! Standing in ice water up to the jimmy line all day for maybe one bite is a tough sell to a kid.


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