It’s Official! New world Record Bass Caught in Japan!! 1
One of the longest standing, most sought after world records has officially been tied. This ruling came down today from the IGFA six months after the fish was caught by Manabu Kurita in Japan's Lake Biwa. Manabu Kurita's fish weighed 22 lbs 4 oz and was almost 1 ounce heavier than the 1932 fish caught by George Perry in Ga. Unfortunately for Manabu, the record was ruled a tie due to an IGFA stipulation stating that any record fish weighing under 25 pounds must be surpassed by at least two ounces.
Kurita has undergone intense scrutiny for the last six months regarding his record catch. Accusations of the fish being caught in an off-limits area were unfounded and Jurita passed an IGFA administered polygraph exam. It's good for him that he did as many experts feel this fish will be worth over $1,000,000.
Courtesy of IGFA
Awesome catch! This is the best possible outcome; tieing the coveted bass world record. Only down side was that it wasn't me catching Mama Pesce! ciao, Marc