Secure your outdoor gear in a Truck Vault 7
It happens every time I leave my truck somewhere. Whether I'm off on a fishing or hunting adventure every time I walk away from my truck I'm thinking, "Is today the day that my truck gets broken into?"
Unfortunatley vehicle vandalism and theft is on the rise here in Washington and vehicles parked in obscure locations, where most anglers and hunters spend time, are an easy target for car-prowling knuckleheads. I've been the victim of the smash'n-grab vehicle break-in on two seperate occasions and outside of the obvious loss of belongings it can cut an outdoor adventure short in a hurry.
I'd like to introduce you to the Truck Vault, the ultimate vehicle accessory to keep your fishing, hunting, skiing, mountain climbing, and work gear safe and secure while you're out in the field. Leaving your vehicle in a remote location is a lot easier when you're gear is safely secured in one of these babies. I just got one myself and know the feeling!
I just went on a turkey hunting trip to Eastern Washington and locked up my shotgun, ammunition, camo, gun cleaning kit, camera gear, and hunting boots in the Truck Vault. Outside of the security factor it's also a great way to organize your gear and get it out of the cab of the truck or SUV. When I'm bouncing around on back country roads the gear stays in one place in the vault instead of all over the cab of my Chevy.
Dirty hunting boots can now go in the vault instead of inside my truck. This particular one is the all-weather model and they also make a carpeted version for vehicles with canopies. They make them for all kinds of trucks, SUV's, and even sedans. Vault accessories include power invertors, interior lights, kennels, foam gun inserts, and much more.
We're planning on getting a puppy in the fall and when we do I'll get the Truck Vault kennel that locks into the tie down strips that come standard with every fault. The lid of the vault can hold up to 2,000 pounds, so a four wheeler and all the large items for hunting or fishing camp can be loaded right on top of the vault without any worries.

Lookinng to buy one of these, where and how can i get one. Thanks in advance!
Hey Alan, Try for your closest retailer!
I would like to get more information on the vault and also a price. Thanks Bob Storey
Hey Bob, Go to for the entire line and hit one of their retailers for packages and pricing! Good luck and happy Truck Vaulting!
We talked about your dually bro-ham...they can custom build just about anything. I was thinking some side saddle drawers would be nice that you could slide your tuna sticks into.
That's asweet setup Robbo. Can they do something with a goose neck setup like I have?
Give us a shout and we'll see what we can come up with. We have built stuff for boys in Texas who use goosenecjk trailers and they were pleased!