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Resurrection Derby donates $6900 to Orcas Island Hatchery

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:55 pm
by House
Puget Sound Anglers Resurrection Derby donates $6900 to Orcas Island Hatchery.

Dec. 15, 2011

The San Juan Islands Chapter of Puget Sound Anglers donated the proceeds from the 2011 Resurrection Salmon Derby to Long Live the Kings Glenwood Springs Hatchery today.
The $6900 donation represents $100 out of each entry fee for the 69 teams who entered the tournament this year. These funds will go toward keeping the hatchery program going amid State and Federal funding cuts.
Representatives from the derby hope to show the importance of propagating vital salmon stocks through healthy hatchery practices, as well as habitat restoration.
Glenwood Springs is a pioneer in "natural rearing" salmon producing techniques that mimic nature. Each year the facility host hundreds of guests from school, camp, and tour groups. The hatchery made news earlier in the year with an unprecedented return of 2200 Chinook Salmon, many topping thirty pounds.
Friday Harbor's Resurrection Derby is the last stop of the year for the Northwest Salmon Derby Series.

Bearing a much needed Holiday gift, Kevin Klein and Kelby Anderson of Puget Sound Anglers flank Hatchery Director Mike O'Connell of Long live the Kings with a check for $6900.
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The Glenwood Springs Hatchery uses natural return pools and spring fed rearing ponds to produce the closest to natural environment for releasing smolts and returning adult salmon.
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Kevin Klein, Friday Harbor PSA