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A Long Cast from the Middle East

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:24 am
by Tally Ho
Turns out they do have salmon here in the Middle East. Not so sure I am into that type.....


On a positive note....I like my new would be a GREAT BOAT TOWING RIG! thumbup Problem is...There are not too many rivers around here. thumbdown


I am listening to the podcasts when can download them....usually after the airing....just to imagine myself there on the local rivers as the fall runs come through and the flocks from the north move down. Oh how I long for 50 degree temps and cold clear Cowlitz water. Just 5 more months until I can stretch my legs in my sled again! I think I will miss the winter steelhead...but I should be there just in time for the tail end of Springers! Yum.

Keep the info coming on the show and posts....we need it over here!

Tally Ho
"Undisclosed location in SW Asia" 50cal

Re: A Long Cast from the Middle East

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:32 am
by Robbo
Thanks for the check in Mike wave

Be safe over there brother and thanks again for serving our country. We'll save a few salmon for ya thumbup

Re: A Long Cast from the Middle East

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:28 pm
by Brandon
Thanks alot for everything you do man. Be safe over there.