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Landmark Letter from Oregon's Governor Seeks Gillnet Ban!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:41 pm
by House
In a letter to Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Director and Commission, Oregon Governor Kitzhaber states that the use of gillnets is inconsistent with the recovery of ESA listed stocks and requests phasing out non-tribal gillnets in a three-year period ending in 2016. The letter further states that "The commission should adopt a policy priority for selective recreational fisheries as the primary management approach..." Governor Kitzhaber has directed ODFW to "begin the process immediately to ensure commencement of work with Washington State and the completion of the necessary rulemaking before the end of 2012".

We will be covering this in detail on tomorrow's program!

Re: Landmark Letter from Oregon's Governor Seeks Gillnet Ban

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:45 pm
by Nelly
Here's the latest! A response from WDFW's Director Anderson!

Statement by WDFW Director on letter from Gov. Kitzhaber
to Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission and Department

August 10, 2012

WDFW has received a copy of Governor Kitzhaber’s letter to Bobby Levy, chair of the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission, and Roy Elicker, Director of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, regarding salmon and sturgeon management issues associated with the commercial and recreational fishery in the Columbia River.

For nearly a century, Washington and Oregon have jointly managed fisheries on the lower river under authority granted to the states by Congress through the interstate Columbia River Compact.

We continue to believe that any effective long-term management plan must be developed by the two states working together, and that it must:

• Include jointly developed conservation objectives;

• Respect treaty Indian fishing rights and provide for close coordination with tribal fishery managers;

• Provide for shared hatchery production goals;

• Contain harvest management objectives for both commercial and recreational fisheries, recognizing their economic importance to both states; and

• Ensure the two states continue to have reciprocal regulations and concurrent enforcement authority.

We agree with Governor Kitzhaber that Columbia River fisheries management is very complex and requires the states to balance the legitimate needs and interests of many important groups and organizations. We respect the objectives he expresses in his letter, but are not bound by them.

The Washington Commission and Department of Fish and Wildlife are ready to work with our counterparts in Oregon to engage in an open and transparent process to explore ways to improve the management of our commercial and recreational salmon and sturgeon fisheries in the lower Columbia River.

Phil Anderson
Director, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

Re: Landmark Letter from Oregon's Governor Seeks Gillnet Ban

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:43 am
by Salmonhawk
Sooooo....WDFW's position is more of the same? It would be nice if someone in this state had the stones to tell it like it is.

Re: Landmark Letter from Oregon's Governor Seeks Gillnet Ban

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:27 am
by Nelly
I spoke with WDFW Director Anderson after the show and he wants to jump on with us and explain his position.
I think it's safe to say that given Endangered Species Act (ESA) restrictions, non-selective harvest methods are on the "endangered" list too 50cal cheers spy