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Mar Don Goose Hunt

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 8:03 am
by Robbo
We just returned from another awesome waterfowl hunt to Mar Don Resort on Potholes Reservoir in Central Washington. Our group is usually around 18 to 20 people, but temps in the single digits froze most of the ducks out of the area. Goose hunting had been great...not so much on the ducks though. So half the guys came along to partake in the goose hunt and man was it awesome.

The Mesebergs were kind enough to open the restaurant the night before our goose hunt. Way too much fun!
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And Taylor Heins from Grundens was along and brought a bunch of killer schwag for the guys. Thanks again Taylor!
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Levi said the geese would start flying at around 7:55 and that's exactly what happened. It's almost like he's done this 7,000 times. Group after group of honkers hit our field and by the time we were done there were 48 geese on the ground.
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That's a lot of goose jerky!
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It was cold but Levi had the layout blinds setup next to a small embankment which kept us out of the wind. Plus they lay foam pads underneath your blind. Pretty dang cozy! Here's the gang minus a couple guides. 12 guns total tommygun
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Final Approach layout blinds stacked up in the trailer.
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Packing up at the end of the day goes fairly quickly with 12 guys working.
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Laying around waiting for another group.
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Everything loaded in the Truck Vault and time to head back to the wet side of the mountains.
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We'll be headed back over for mallards once the area thaws out a bit. When that happens watch for the duck hunting to go OFF thumbup