Omak Lake
Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 6:17 pm
Omak Lake, what a place. This weekend my family and I finally made it to Omak. I can't believe the quality of fishing this lake has to offer. We landed 16 dandy lahontan cutthroat trout and lost about the same amount. On Sunday we fished for only 2.5 hrs and landed 24. The go to lures were kingfisher lite spoons(4") and needlefish spoons (3"). All of our spoons had at least some red on them but I don't think that mattered. Depths were from 10-40' and the troll speed was 1.8-2.2 mph. Red Racer spoon got the biggest fish. Working the edges of the lake and bays really paid off. Happy angling. Derek